Thursday, August 2, 2012

Element of surprise

The worst thing about the Olympics this year is the coverage that we are suffering through with NBC programming.  Granted London is 5 hours ahead of New York and so all prime time programming is for events that have already been completed but, Hello, some of us have to work but would still like to know the thrill of the unknown.
Missy Franklin scored gold in the backstroke but we knew it before the race took place because NBC had to run an ad to promote the dang Today show stating that they would be interviewing gold medal winner Missy Franklin the next morning.  It’s no wonder Today has repeatedly fallen behind Good Morning America in ratings recently.  But regardless, congratulations Missy Franklin.

As we watched a profile on Franklin regarding her refusal to take any endorsement deals so that she could still compete on a high school level, my husband and I joked wondering if she was the Colorado State High School Champion in her events. So I took to the internet to find the results and found this article:,-bonnie-brandon-electrify-the-class-5a-state-swim-meet.htm
One of the quotes in the article has Franklin stating that, "It's so great to be with my sisters and be with my team and enjoy it. State is unlike any meet out there, it's definitely one of a kind, and I want to be there as many times as I can."  Wonder how it compares to the Olympics?

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